Despite having a shoe collection exceeding 75 pairs (yes, I know I have a problem), up until recently, I did not own any simple black pumps, as shocking as that may seem. Luckily, after a recent impromptu trip to Nordstrom Rack, I came away with these beauties.
They are Enzo Anglioni, and pretty friggen sophisticated for a mere $59.97. I since tried to search for them, but oddly was only able to find them here on some weird Canadian Nine West Outlet site.
Ubiquitous as the term "Classic Black Pump" may be, they are darn hard to come by without shelling out hundreds of dollars for a Prada, Choo or Blahnik. I have to say, I am pretttty satisfied with my find, proving once again that a bargain hunter must always be on the prowl....