Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hair Apparent

Now for what you've all been waiting for (with bated breath I presume)...

Before: (looking much redder than in reality)
After: This picture shows minimal gradient, but in reality the color is a bit more obvious.

After: Curls, back
After: Curls, side.

Above photos, color and curls by Jamie.

Curls, closeup
Curls, closeup 2

I love love love the finished product. While I made Jamie deviate a bit from the package instructions, it came out perfectly. As my hair was pretty light to begin with, the overall result looks a bit more natural and therefore not so drastic.

Ombré looks better with curls and I have much still to master, but I can't wait to play with my new hair. Boredom averted.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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